Teaching Methodology
GDGPS aims at nurturing individuals with paramount values and multivalent competencies. As we continue our vision, a dynamic new curriculum developed by an accomplished team ensures not only academic excellence with pedagogical discipline but an entirely new approach to education. The best practices of interactive and creative shift in learning and teaching are reinvented for progressive engagement of the students. The inclusion of a digital, online matrix, technology and AI aided tools, holistic sensitivity and a re-alignment of strategies gives the school an edge over others.
An upgraded and advanced school ethos with mentorship that is innovative has provided an activity based, blended learning experience at its core.
New frontiers of standards are evident here. All students become lifelong learners through efficient systems and processes to optimally realize their potential. An all-embracing new curriculum design meets the demands of the NEP with a stress on meta cognitive awareness that facilitates the process of Innovation and research.
The inter disciplinary projects based blended learning with focus on a progressive pedagogy, nurtures the emotional health and social awareness and responsibility of the students.
A brand new, child-oriented environment, where classrooms are arranged for challenging play and learning choices for a range of developmental levels has been redone with new design elements.